professional development
Professional development for formal and informal educators & facilitators
- Facilitating educational programs & activities indoors and out
- Crafting inquiry-based lessons
- Incorporating NGSS best practices into informal education
- Giving and receiving feedback
selected professional development offerings
Oregon Natural Resources Education Program: develop and deliver PD events for formal and informal teachers to support them in incorporating nature and Oregon natural resources into their programming; past offerings include "Incorporating Nature-Based Social-Emotional Learning in the Classroom" and "Nature Journaling Through Two Lenses", both offered online.
Wade Institute for Science Education: as part of a team, created and delivered a week-long institute for public, charter, and private high school science teachers with a focus on inquiry-based curriculum design and instruction using the environment as an integrating context for learning
National Science Teaching Association: created and delivered an hour-long participatory workshop for front-line educators and program directors to support high-quality NGSS program design and implementation in informal education settings
Burgess Outdoor Education: created and delivered workshops for seasonal outdoor educators focused on educational theory, proven practices in outdoor education facilitation, and alignment with NGSS; as part of a team, established mentoring and feedback processes to help seasonal educators grow professionally
free resources
Crafting Productive Questions: a worksheet and examples to guide facilitators in asking NGSS-supportive questions in any educational setting
Guide to Supporting Scientific Literacy (coming soon): a video blog series for adults (homeschoolers, program facilitators, instructors, camp counselors, parents & guardians) who want to support scientific literacy in the kids in their lives